Molly Holz
7 December 1999
Author: Mark Quinn
Grade: 4-12
NE Standards: 4.1.2 By the
end of the fourth grade, students will acquire and use correctly an advanced
reading vocabulary.
Objectives: The student will:
1. Learn new vocabulary words for an upcoming unit.
2. Practice writing in dictionary style.
Materials: Words and their meanings and identical pieces of paper for everyone.
Anticipatory Set: Explain the rules of the activity; there is nothing else because the student should not know the word or the meaning before the game begins.
Vocabulary: This will depend on the unit that you are doing. You will come up with your own vocabulary list every time you play the game. You can use this with any unit and any subject.
Activities: 1. Teacher chooses a word that no student can define. 2. Each student, or group, will write a definition they make-up for the word. The teacher reads these. 3. Then, the students vote on which one they believe is correct. The teacher puts in the correct definition. 4. Points are given in two ways. First, a vote for your definition as the correct one (1 point per vote); or, you vore for the correct definition.
Provisions for Special Needs: There really is no need, but you could make sure they are in groups so that the student will feel more comfortable if that is needed.
CLOSURE: Discuss the definitions and students
should know how all of them relate to the upcoming unit in a certain subject.
ASSESSMENT: There is none needed, it is just preperation for an upcoming unit.
Reflection: (on back of page)