Molly Holz
Spelling Lesson
7 December 1999
Author: Joyce Bean
Grade: 3-6
NE Standards: By the end of the fourth grade, students will draw on a variety of strategies to read and understand unfamiliar words and phrases.
Objectives: The student will:
1. See words/learning as fun and challenging.
2. Become natural leaders to help the team spell words.
3. Become cooperative in a group because this is needed to win.
Materials: Two sets of alphabet cards ( laminate for longevity). Also, a chalkboard is needed to keep score. You can use separate colors for the letters on the cards to tell them apart.
Anticipatory Set: Count off into groups using 1-2, 1-2. Each group has a set of cards that should be split among the group as evenly as possible. Explain the rules of the game and then, begin.
Vocabulary: Just make sure
that you are using words that everyone is familiar with otherwise they will get
frusterated. Definitions are not needed
in this game however.
Activities: 1. The first group to spell a word given by the teacher wins a point for that word. 2. The quietest group, if a difference can be heard, gets an additional 5 points. Exceptional noise, by either group, loses 5 points. 3. Values are given for the word before it is given. 4. At the end, the group puts their cards into alphabetical order as quickly and quietly as possible. The group who does it the fastest receives 25 points. 5. Doule letters will need to be handled by using the blank side of one of the cards not being used. The students will need to tell you what letter goes in the blank spot. 6. The student hold the letter in front of them so that the word read from let to right. If a student has more than one letter that belongs in the word, they must find someone else without a letter to hold it for them. Every student spelling the word must only have one letter.
Provisions for Special Needs: That child can also participate, make sure the words are not extremely difficault, and also, only give tehm two cards to deal with instead of several. If the student does not feel comfortable with this, s/he can keep score.
CLOSURE: Discussion as to what worked and what did not work in the groups can be discussed here. Also, what they might like to change can be discussed at this time.
ASSESSMENT: Participation points can be given but are not necessary. Should be a way to practice spelling words or other difficult words from any subject.
Reflection: (on back of page)